I am so ecstatic that I received my first Influenster box yesterday in the mail! I am now using Dove Advanced Care deodorant! All sponsorship goes to Influenster and Dove. So far I have noticed that it has a great smell, stops wetness, and most of all protects for 48 hours! I have not fully showed proof to the 48 hour coverage, but it seems to be fairly close! After using yesterday upon taking a shower, I like to use deodorant before going to bed. If you are like me and have hot flashes/night sweats, then this is for you. I woke up this morning feeling refreshed under my arms more so than using the Dove Original in the Powder scent. I also have found that compared to the Original Dove Powder brand, the Advanced Care works for me in keeping wetness down and funk away! I have FAITHFULLY used Dove Original in Powder scent because even the Original or Radiant Silk scent left me smelling a little funky. I have not experienced this as of yet with the Advanced Care brand. As I stated it has been a little less than 24 hours since starting the deodorant. As the days go by, I will be reblogging about this product and also mentioning them via Instagram and Twitter. You can follow me on both platforms @ebanx15. Thanks +Dove for making such a great product and for continuing to push the bar with all of your products. I am looking forward to this journey with you! #RaiseYourArms

Also, thank you +Influenster +Influenster VoxBox for sending me the product to review!
Peace & Happiness!
P.S. Make sure to check out Walmart's website to meet with a local esthetician this weekend, February 8th and 9th! All you have to do is type in your zip code and find which Walmart the esthetician will be there. Here's the link here! You can also get a $2 coupon from the site as well :)