Thursday, September 26, 2013


So the whole reason for me starting a blog is that my mind runs like an open app (you might see me say this a MILLION times but that's the whole purpose of saying my mind is like an open app) Any who, I have been on for the last two days and looking at low budget ideas I could do to start up my own business from home.  Although I am working on a doctoral degree, my goals in life is to be a housewife, but a working one from home.  I love the fact that I can stay at home with my children, run around and do errands, shop, be domestic, and not have to worry about the stresses of a 9:00-5:00.  Well, in my case now a 7:30-5:15, Monday through Friday.  And the crazy thing about that thought is....I don't even have kids yet!  But the early bird gets the worm right?!  So I'm thinking ahead.  One of my new found interest that I have come across is sewing and reupholstering furniture.  The good thing about that is I will have time to shop in thrift stores and consignment shops for the best item.  The bad thing is I have little sewing skills!  I took a beginners sewing class back in June and it turned out to be easier than I expected.  However, I have yet to buy a sewing machine; hopefully that's in the works around Christmas time. *fingers crossed*  With that being said, I think I will take my entrepreneur skills and plans into the New Year and have that be one of my New Year's Resolutions:  to begin sewing and starting a small business making small moves.  I read a really good article on that talked about ditching your billion-dollar business here for the story.  I will also be helping my soon-to-be hubby make some moves on a landscaping/lawn business.  I can say that 2013 has been a good year for me thus far, but I see 2014 opening more doors than I could have ever expected!  Thank you Lord! :)