Sunday, January 18, 2015

Mommy Series: 11 Weeks Preggo!

I am 11 weeks pregnant going into my 12th week!  3 months....YAY!!!  It has been good minus the laziness, always being tired, and being nauseous.  Plus I am carrying two babies so it's double the trouble.  Overall, things have gone smoothly.  For the last week and a half I have been feeling some pulling in my lower stomach area.  I researched the pulling I was experiencing and there were different views on it.  The majority of the views that it was just your ligaments growing to make more room for the baby.  It's not painful and it's not all the time.  Just something that you aren't used to especially if you are a first time mom like me.  I am excited to attend my second appointment, which will be on the day that I am 12 weeks.  

From my pregnancy apps, so far the babies are about two inches long, is busy growing hair follicles, fingernails, and ovaries (if it's a girl), has distinct human characteristics, which means hands and feet are in front of their body, with ears nearly in their final shape, open nasal passages on the tip of their nose, a tongue and palate in the mouth, and visible nipples (What to Expect App).  Funny how they grow so much from the time you first learn you are pregnant up until they are born.  I am looking forward to the energy they say that I should be gaining back as well as my appetite.  I am able to eat now, however, sometimes I will begin to eat and immediately get nauseous.  Another thing that I don't like to eat sometimes are left overs.  I feel that the food isn't as good as it was the first night especially chicken.  I haven't had any weird or needed cravings, however, if I want to eat something in particular I HAVE to have it.  In addition to that, I think I've ate more soup in the last two and half months that I have ever ate in my life!

I am looking forward to transitioning from the first trimester to the second trimester.  I heard it was a BREEZE!!!  I'm so needing that at this point in time  :)

Peace & Happiness
~Erika B.

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