As you can see the picking was NOT helping the situation at all because it left back scars and scabs. But when you've been doing it SO long its hard to get a grasp on it especially as it becomes a coping mechanism. I was inspired to start looking up derma rollers at that point when I was watching a video by my friend +Jasmine Rose (via YouTube). I remembered also seeing +Destiny Godley doing a review for derma rollers as well. Although they did not use the same brand I went with, the concept is still the same.
I contacted Banish Acne Skin for review purposes and they were able to send me a .025mm derma roller in a case, a container to sanitize the roller, as well as small bottle of their Vitamin C serum, which is vital to your skin and is an antioxidant as well.
So far I have used the derma roller twice since receiving it. You are only supposed to use it either once a week or less (depending the size of the needles). Since I have the .025mm roller I could use it more often but I chose to wait to see how my skin would react after the first few rolls. Now you are reading this and probably thinking needles!?! Derma roller!?!? What!?!? Are you lost and confused? Here are some steps and info to what a derma roller and what derma rolling is.
You can click this link to find out all the ends and outs of what Banish Acne does. It is very informative and gives the cell break down of how your skin loses cells and produces collagen in the face. My synopsis on it is this: the derma roller is named after your skin cells, derma, like going to the dermatologist. The roller has small needles that prick your face (it does NOT hurt, but if you have sensitive skin you want to get the smallest needle available) and gets rid of old cells so that your body can produce new cells. With the old cells out of the way, your skin can start producing new cells that will repair the damaged cells. Leaving you with a new start to new skin. The Vitamin C serum (sold separately or in a set) will allow you to not only put moisture back in your face but will be the antioxidant you need to fight damage against your skin. This seems like a WIN-WIN to me.
Of course this all has to be done on a clean face. I started using Clinique's Acne Solutions Clear Skin System Starter Kit which is $37 from Sephora (click link). The first step is an Acne Solutions Clearing foam which contains salicylic acid, second step is an Acne Solutions Clarifying Lotion (more of a toner which also contains salicylic acid, you have to shake to dissolve the lotion inside) and the last step is an Acne Solutions All Over Clearing treatment, which contains benzoyl peroxide. I didn't want to make this purchase because it was a little pricey, but I kept looking at the reviews and thought I was getting three products for one price so why the hell not. I am SO glad that I took the risk of purchasing this because I have noticed that my acne scaring is fading on top of using the derma roller.
This is currently my face after using the derma roller approximately seven days ago and using the Clinique Acne Solutions systems for about the last three weeks.

I feel that my face is starting to get rid of the scaring that I have, however, as you can see I still have breakouts. It's going to take some time for me to get my face back the way that I was liking it. Plus my hormones are thrown off being that I am pregnant. But I am willing to take this over the darker scaring that I had in the previous pictures. Plus my makeup applies better so I don't have to apply so much to cover the scars.
Hope you enjoyed my initial update on my facial regimen! I will update this post when I upload my video via YouTube on how I use the derma roller.
Peace & Happiness!
~Erika B.
I feel that my face is starting to get rid of the scaring that I have, however, as you can see I still have breakouts. It's going to take some time for me to get my face back the way that I was liking it. Plus my hormones are thrown off being that I am pregnant. But I am willing to take this over the darker scaring that I had in the previous pictures. Plus my makeup applies better so I don't have to apply so much to cover the scars.
Hope you enjoyed my initial update on my facial regimen! I will update this post when I upload my video via YouTube on how I use the derma roller.
Peace & Happiness!
~Erika B.
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