For the new year I went and got hitched on the 2nd! Had a small justice of the peace wedding with my now husband and my family members. We were able to just enjoy the bonding and vows between each other and went out to eat to celebrate. I am also 10 weeks pregnant with TWINS! I am very nervous yet excited as these are my first babies on the way. I guess I may be one and done after this. God willing (and husband accepting) we may try for one more lol.
I was inspired today to get in gear for the new year. There are so many things that I want to do and I know that I won't get them sitting and researching the information or being envious of those who already have it. I gotta go get it!!! Go getter, go getter, go getter!!!! So I am inspired to at at least blog 3-4 times a week as well as follow up with my YouTube channel at least 1-2 times per week. My overall goal is to become a stay at home mom with income when my children are here. I would like more than part time work but not necessarily full time work because I'm going to have my hands full with twins! Overall, I know my thoughts, my goals, and my ambitions. It's just time that I be about it and stop talking/thinking about it!

I hope you all are starting out with a great new year as well. And as I say...Peace and Happiness! Here's a note on what a go getter is. Is that you? Do you want it to be you? Then like Nike "Just Do It!"
~Erika B.
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