Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Way to Go...and Random Acts of Kindness Week

It's harder when you set such limitations on yourself!  You get upset because you don't meet them, but you can't get mad because you become lazy when it comes to doing it.  My excuse...I'm going to blame it on being pregnant.  Yeah, that's it.  LOL...but I don't have much content to bring here today.  Just realized that I hadn't wrote on my blog like I should have so needed something up here.

Change of subject.  Random Acts of Kindness Week is coming up (February 9-15).  There are many different things you can do for others whether its just being nice or giving monetarily.  It often doesn't have to be monetarily since people are out here on a tight budget.  Speaking for myself I'm on a very tight and STRICT budget with twins on the way!  Here are some ideas...hope you can share your acts of kindness not during this week, but at least once a week this year.  Who knows what will happen in return...

Peace & Happiness!
~Erika B

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Mommy Series: 11 Weeks Preggo!

I am 11 weeks pregnant going into my 12th week!  3 months....YAY!!!  It has been good minus the laziness, always being tired, and being nauseous.  Plus I am carrying two babies so it's double the trouble.  Overall, things have gone smoothly.  For the last week and a half I have been feeling some pulling in my lower stomach area.  I researched the pulling I was experiencing and there were different views on it.  The majority of the views that it was just your ligaments growing to make more room for the baby.  It's not painful and it's not all the time.  Just something that you aren't used to especially if you are a first time mom like me.  I am excited to attend my second appointment, which will be on the day that I am 12 weeks.  

From my pregnancy apps, so far the babies are about two inches long, is busy growing hair follicles, fingernails, and ovaries (if it's a girl), has distinct human characteristics, which means hands and feet are in front of their body, with ears nearly in their final shape, open nasal passages on the tip of their nose, a tongue and palate in the mouth, and visible nipples (What to Expect App).  Funny how they grow so much from the time you first learn you are pregnant up until they are born.  I am looking forward to the energy they say that I should be gaining back as well as my appetite.  I am able to eat now, however, sometimes I will begin to eat and immediately get nauseous.  Another thing that I don't like to eat sometimes are left overs.  I feel that the food isn't as good as it was the first night especially chicken.  I haven't had any weird or needed cravings, however, if I want to eat something in particular I HAVE to have it.  In addition to that, I think I've ate more soup in the last two and half months that I have ever ate in my life!

I am looking forward to transitioning from the first trimester to the second trimester.  I heard it was a BREEZE!!!  I'm so needing that at this point in time  :)

Peace & Happiness
~Erika B.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Changing from your Maiden to Married Name

Some women prefer to keep their maiden name rather than take on their husband's last name.  Not in my case.  I was happy to take on my husband's last name, however, I wasn't happy with the fact that I would have to drive around the world to get my name change!  There are some websites that will allow you to pay a fee and have all your information gathered in one sitting so that you can change your name.  But don't quote me, I believe you still had to send or drop off that information to the designated areas before anything would be changed.  

Here I am going to list some areas of importance on how you should go about getting your name changed.  The first few are most important and then the few afterwards are up to you and what timeframe you feel the need to change your name.

The number one priority item you will need for your name change is a CERTIFIED copy of your marriage license.  I was allowed to apply for a copy when I applied for my license to marry.  You could also go to the courthouse to request a copy.  Copies are charged by the fee so check with your local courthouse to see what the fees are.  

The number one place of importance of where you need to go to get your name changed is the Social Security Administration.  There you are going to need a picture id, as well as a CERTIFIED copy of your marriage license.  Also, you have to fill out an application with your new name change.  You will not have to pay anything (at least I didn't) while you are there.  They will give your a letter stating that your new social security card will be mailed within in five to ten business days so make sure you have an updated address.

Next, is to get your new license.  Of course again you will need the CERTIFIED copy of your marriage license, your old license, and a completed application.  According to DMV of Virginia, you will needed a completed "Driver's License and Identified Card" application (click here for link).  If you are like me with an out-of-state license, they just require that you have a license, that is VALID and up-to-date (unexpired).

If you are employed you want to be sure that your employer knows you are changing from your maiden name to your married name because you will have to refill out forms such as a W-4, and a state tax form (Form VA-4 in Virginia).  Also, you will have refill out your information for your medical/dental/vision insurance, life insurance, and any 401k, 403b, retirement plans, etc.

The last big ticket item will be going to your bank and/or credit union to inform them of your change.  You will have to go to the bank, in person, with your CERTIFIED copy of your marriage license.  There you can change all of your information on your account, apply for new debit/credit cards, and order new checks.

The following places can be contacted at your convenience:
  • Notify creditors
  • Landlord or mortgage
  • Other insurances (auto, life, home, etc.)
  • Doctor's offices
  • Professional Licensing Boards
  • Attorney (to update legal documentation)
  • Utility companies
  • Post office
  • Passport (if you are going on a honeymoon that requires a passport, it is HIGHLY recommended that you change your name AFTER you come back).
  • Voter Registration card
  • Alumni Association(s)
  • Checks and Credit Cards
  • Student Loans
  • Vehicle Titles
  • Gym Membership 
  • Social Media sites
  • Home Address labels
  • Email address/Email signature
  • Business paraphernalia (business cards, brochures, etc.)
  • Library card
  • Online & Magazine subscriptions
I'm sure they are other places to change your name, but do as you see fit.  This is just an idea to get you started or help you with some places you may have forgotten.  Hope this helps!

Peace & Happiness!
~Erika B

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Legit Work from Home Opportunities

For a while now, I have been trying to search for LEGIT work from home jobs.  I would like a job that would provide a good income for me to stay at home and raise my children.  I have a good job now and I don't plan on leaving it any time soon, however, I would still enjoy (and like) the option of staying at home if I could.  I have a Masters degree, but since I can remember I have always wanted to be a housewife.  I'm not talking about one of those 1950s or a Stepford housewife.  I like to call myself "Betty Homemaker with an Income."  People laugh at me, look at me crazy, and then of course they point out the obvious, "but you have a MASTERS degree.  Why would you want to be a housewife?!?!"  I like the freedom of working on my time, leaving the house when I need to, and just being flexible.  I don't feel like I can get that in the working world and if I can I feel that the "job" would take over my family life.  Meaning I like to travel, but I don't want to have to travel the world and leave my husband or my children behind.  Also, I would like it to be with my children and working.  If its during their nap, I can work.  If its between their feedings, I can work.  Just having that flexibility is something that's not only important to me, but will be important to my family.

Another big reason that I want to be a "housewife," is so that I can stay at home and TEACH my children.  Some people fail to understand that school isn't were your children learn EVERYTHING.  They have to learn from home.  And that overall is the most important goal for me to reach with my kids.  Knowing that I am not only their provider, I am their teacher and whatever they learn from home and go out to the world to do, I taught them that FIRST!

I have some tricks up my sleeve that may work but I know wouldn't bring in half or three-quarters of the income I have now.  But overall being with my babies and knowing that I am making the most of their world...priceless.

Please feel free to share your ideas with me.  I'll make sure to keep them to myself!!!

Peace & Happiness
~Erika B.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Facial Regimen featuring Banish Acne Skin Derma roller!

Back in December, I contacted Banish Acne Skin ( requesting a derma roller to use on my face since I had a lot of acne scarring from over the past months.  I was going through some hard times and it was starting to show on my face since I started breaking out.  And I am a pimple, popping fein so that didn't make the situation any better.  Needless to say, I was left with this...
 As you can see the picking was NOT helping the situation at all because it left back scars and scabs.  But when you've been doing it SO long its hard to get a grasp on it especially as it becomes a coping mechanism.  I was inspired to start looking up derma rollers at that point when I was watching a video by my friend +Jasmine Rose (via YouTube).  I remembered also seeing +Destiny Godley doing a review for derma rollers as well.  Although they did not use the same brand I went with, the concept is still the same.

I contacted Banish Acne Skin for review purposes and they were able to send me a .025mm derma roller in a case, a container to sanitize the roller, as well as small bottle of their Vitamin C serum, which is vital to your skin and is an antioxidant as well.

So far I have used the derma roller twice since receiving it.  You are only supposed to use it either once a week or less (depending the size of the needles).  Since I have the .025mm roller I could use it more often but I chose to wait to see how my skin would react after the first few rolls.  Now you are reading this and probably thinking needles!?!  Derma roller!?!?  What!?!?  Are you lost and confused?  Here are some steps and info to what a derma roller and what derma rolling is.

You can click this link to find out all the ends and outs of what Banish Acne does.  It is very informative and gives the cell break down of how your skin loses cells and produces collagen in the face.  My synopsis on it is this:  the derma roller is named after your skin cells, derma, like going to the dermatologist.  The roller has small needles that prick your face (it does NOT hurt, but if you have sensitive skin you want to get the smallest needle available) and gets rid of old cells so that your body can produce new cells.  With the old cells out of the way, your skin can start producing new cells that will repair the damaged cells.  Leaving you with a new start to new skin.  The Vitamin C serum (sold separately or in a set) will allow you to not only put moisture back in your face but will be the antioxidant you need to fight damage against your skin.  This seems like a WIN-WIN to me.

Of course this all has to be done on a clean face.  I started using Clinique's Acne Solutions Clear Skin System Starter Kit which is $37 from Sephora (click link).  The first step is an Acne Solutions Clearing foam which contains salicylic acid, second step is an Acne Solutions Clarifying Lotion (more of a toner which also contains salicylic acid, you have to shake to dissolve the lotion inside) and the last step is an Acne Solutions All Over Clearing treatment, which contains benzoyl peroxide.  I didn't want to make this purchase because it was a little pricey, but I kept looking at the reviews and thought I was getting three products for one price so why the hell not.  I am SO glad that I took the risk of purchasing this because I have noticed that my acne scaring is fading on top of using the derma roller.

This is currently my face after using the derma roller approximately seven days ago and using the Clinique Acne Solutions systems for about the last three weeks. 

I feel that my face is starting to get rid of the scaring that I have, however, as you can see I still have breakouts.  It's going to take some time for me to get my face back the way that I was liking it.  Plus my hormones are thrown off being that I am pregnant.  But I am willing to take this over the darker scaring that I had in the previous pictures.  Plus my makeup applies better so I don't have to apply so much to cover the scars.

Hope you enjoyed my initial update on my facial regimen!  I will update this post when I upload my video via YouTube on how I use the derma roller.

Peace & Happiness!
~Erika B.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Get in Gear for the New Year!

HAPPY 2015!!!  I can't believe that the new year is here but happy that it is because 2014 was ROUGH for me.  Although rough, I gotta give it to the man upstairs because he put those trails and tribulations in my life for a reason and I am so grateful for those experiences because they have made me a stronger person today and I can go through ANYTHING!  

For the new year I went and got hitched on the 2nd!  Had a small justice of the peace wedding with my now husband and my family members.  We were able to just enjoy the bonding and vows between each other and went out to eat to celebrate.  I am also 10 weeks pregnant with TWINS!  I am very nervous yet excited as these are my first babies on the way.  I guess I may be one and done after this.  God willing (and husband accepting) we may try for one more lol.

I was inspired today to get in gear for the new year.  There are so many things that I want to do and I know that I won't get them sitting and researching the information or being envious of those who already have it.  I gotta go get it!!!  Go getter, go getter, go getter!!!!  So I am inspired to at at least blog 3-4 times a week as well as follow up with my YouTube channel at least 1-2 times per week.  My overall goal is to become a stay at home mom with income when my children are here.  I would like more than part time work but not necessarily full time work because I'm going to have my hands full with twins!  Overall, I know my thoughts, my goals, and my ambitions.  It's just time that I be about it and stop talking/thinking about it!

I hope you all are starting out with a great new year as well.  And as I say...Peace and Happiness!  Here's a note on what a go getter is.  Is that you?  Do you want it to be you?  Then like Nike "Just Do It!"

~Erika B.